image from Google. |
After a year of blogging and never ending blog surf; some may ask what did I gain out of it. Well the last time I check, I have not even have a single cent out of blogging, but what really is there on blogging that got me hooked up for a year now? Actually I don't know. I can't explain it well perhaps.
What I can really remember a year ago is an ambitious, alone, struggling, trying-hard, over acting, laptop-less, and internet-less girl who wishes to blog without even knowing how to navigate the blogger.com website. Well thanks to Google and to my dear best friend
Phioxee- they are the best teachers I have. However, never did it appear to me that quitting is the best way out while I was stuck with follower 7 with my template going gaga due to some HTML errors, and never ending view count dilemma.
But enough of my over-rated past and look at how I progressed. Pleased! That's all I can feel right now. I slowly knew how this blogosphere works and amazingly know how to unzip downloaded file for my template. I learned a lot of things here, not just technically but with every blogger's post as well.
With that being said, I am truly grateful. I would love to post every blogger who have made my blogging year a blast and who have made a mark on me- who became my friends so to speak, but I may run short. I also planned to give away stuffs, but I would rather give everyone than just a few. So I guess I would have to wait until my budget permits...:]
Knowing about people's opinion and true emotions and learning how to deal with it is the most important learning I have gained for a year now. I also realized that blogging isn't just about making money- well I'd be hypocrite if I say I never dream of earning- but it shouldn't be the top priority. Blogging for me is about finding friends and be in a special circle of people who are beyond intelligent, free, opinionated, and over the top gorgeous like me!..haha
Kidding aside, I would like to thank all of you my fellow bloggers who made me feel belonged and worth the click. I may not be able to read all your post, but I'd make sure that I'd be viewing your blog every time I get online and catch up.
I know this post is a mouthful and this is my first post without lots of photos on it- you may notice. So, I would like to hug you all guys for sticking around and for patiently reading through my silly life. I would have gave up blogging long ago if I have not came to know you. So another year starts and cheers to us!!!
xoxo! | |