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pressured much!

I have to blog about this...hehe I just think that this is a must-need whatever you call it task to be body-ready for summer- workout and other fat burning activities!...I personally gone through a hard time fitting into my jeans and the hardest time looking for dresses that fits my figure and taste...ouch! I don't even want to talk about it any further...hehe So, I just wanted to share and inspire you to perspire those love handles..:) These are the stuffs that I do to keep me fit and busy.

The court is ever ready and enchanting...hehe
Meet my badminton coaches..hehe They surely are super patient about my play.
Running with a camera on..not such a bad idea...haha

Fun runs are fun...hehe
Just a tip, I strongly suggest you guys to look for friends who is willing to do those stuffs with you. The more the merrier they say, and it's certainly true. Hey! eat the right food too.

Enroll your self into a program to hit those unwanted fats bulls-eye!
This is the most fun exercise I ever had...Hip-Hop Abs Dancing.
After all those hard work, I am happy like beyond words when I finally hit my target...yeheeey!
Burning your calories and fats would not only make you sexy, but it will make you fit for everything. That should be the main goal. We may experience endless muscle pains and we are often dissatisfied with what we eat- which by the way are the food that we should be eating in the first place; but let me tell you that when you look at your reflection and you see those sexy curves popping out...I bet you'll say it's all worth it..xoxo!

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